Mass for His Majesty King Charles III on his Coronation

The Bishops’ Conference requests that on Friday 5 May 2023 each parish celebrates Mass for His Majesty the King to mark his Coronation. At the end of Mass (after the Prayer after Communion and before the Final Blessing) the Prayer for the King is said. Parishes may also wish to sing a hymn of thanksgiving (the Te Deum or other hymn) followed by the chant Domine, salvum fac and/or the National Anthem.

At Sunday Masses on 7 May parishes may wish to include an intention for the King and the Royal Family in the Prayer of the Faithful and at the end of Mass say the Prayer for the King followed by the chant Domine, salvum fac and/or the National Anthem.

The Bishops’ Conference has also produced a Prayer Card for Coronation of King Charles III and ask that from Wednesday 3 May until Friday 5 May each Catholic in our lands pray for His Majesty and the Queen.

Adoremus – Resources

The bishops of England and Wales will hold Adoremus, a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress in Liverpool 7–9 September 2018.

To assist parishes in their preparation for this event the Liturgy Office is preparing a series of resources both to help with the celebration of Exposition of the Holy Eucharist and to deepen people’s understanding. The first set of resources is now available, these include:

  • Exposition of the Holy Eucharist: the text of the rite, a guide to celebration, musical resources and a list of scripture readings on the Eucharist
  • How Holy this Feast: material for small groups with time for reflection and prayer.
  • Links to other resources is also given

Adoremus Resources

Shaping our Worship – JLG Conference October 2016

JLG-2016The Joint Liturgical Group of Great Britain is an ecumenical body with members appointed from across the denominations. It has been in existence for over 50 years and has provided a forum for the sharing of news, the development of texts for use by member bodies and reflection on common issues.

In October 2016 it is hosting a Conference in Leeds on Shaping our Worship taking as its starting point the quotation of Winston Churchill ‘We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.’ This idea will be used to reflect on various aspects of liturgy and liturgical formation.

  • Shaping our Worship
  • 25 – 27 October 2016
  • Hinsley Hall, Leeds
  • Further details

90th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen

The Bishops’ Conference establishes that, at all Sunday Masses on 11–12 June 2016, each parish prays for Her Majesty the Queen to mark her 90th birthday by including such an intention in the Bidding Prayers and by reciting at the end of Mass (after the Prayer after Communion and before the Final Blessing) the Prayer for the Queen.

Parishes may also wish to sing the chant Domine, salvum fac and/or the National Anthem.

The Prayer for the Queen and additional resources are available here.

Autumn 2015 Events

Sarum College

The Taizé Community: A Symposium

Fri 30 October, 12:00 pm to Sat 31 October, 4:00 pm

Sarum College is the venue for an academic symposium that will explore and review the significance of the Taizé Community.

This event is organised to mark the 75th year since the founding of the Taizé community in 1940 and the centenary anniversary of the birth of its founder, Brother Roger.

More Information

Bible Society & Bishops’ Conference Scripture Working Group

Open Minds, Burning Hearts
Journeying through Luke’s Gospel

10–12 November 2015 — Sedgley Park, Manchester

In November 2015, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Vatican II Document, Dei Verbum, there will be a national Scripture conference to be held at Sedgley Park Conference Centre in Manchester.

The theme of the conference will be Luke’s gospel, and the keynote speaker will be Dr Ian Boxall, Associate Professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.

More Information

Society of St Gregory

Winter Assembly & Crichton Memorial Lecture

Saturday 7th November – Blessed Dominic Barberi, Cowley Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4JX

The James Crichton Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the Lisbonian Society. This year’s lecture will be given by Revd Professor Thomas O’Loughlin of Nottingham University, entitled ‘Language, Music, Liturgy – communicating the Word’

More Information

 Archdiocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Hope University.

Vatican II and the Church Today

14-15 November at the Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation

A weekend conference featuring internationally renowned speakers exploring the continuing impact of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council in the life and mission of both the local and global Church.  Featured speakers include authority on Vatican II,  Dr Massimo Faggioli, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor and Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP.  The weekend takes place 14-15 November at the Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation.  Places must be booked in advance, on a first come first served basis.  Early booking is strongly recommend. or by Phone 0151  522 1040.

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