Preparing Your Wedding Liturgy
Starting Points — what you bring

Preparing your Wedding Liturgy
It is likely that before your begin preparing the liturgy you will have made choices which will help shape the celebration. For example:
- Where the wedding will take place?
- the size and shape of the church may affect some of the practicalities of the celebration?
- When it will be?
- the date and time which may be chosen to factors beyond the church.
- Who will be invited?
- the size of the congregation as well as what proportion will be familiar with a church service will also have a bearing on the choices you make.
- Your experience of other Weddings
- It is likely that you will been to a number of weddings of family and friends. This will have given you ideas of what you like and what might be possible. These may well have been in a variety of places and circumstances. As a word of caution each place has its directives as to what is possible or permitted. For example, a civil wedding may not include readings from scripture. So something you liked in another wedding may not be transferable to a wedding in a Catholic church.
As a couple you will also have images and expectations about your wedding day which will be shared or individual. It may be helpful to share your thoughts before you begin.