Spirit of the Season

Getting in Touch
Martin Foster
Liturgy Office
39 Eccleston Square
London SW1V 1PL
020 7901 4850
020 7901 4821 (fax)
The views expressed in the Spirit of the Season are not necessarily those of the Bishops' Conference.

Spirit of the Season is a publication from the Liturgy Office of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.

It is for teachers, catechists and all involved with worship with children. It hopes to offer reflection and information in the area of worship. It is intended to publish twice every term.

It is distributed free of charge through diocesan RE centres & liturgy contacts.

Spirit of the Season uses Adobe Acrobat. This allows material to be printed for personal or parish use.


The Office sends out an email when new editions are posted. To subscribe by email.

SOS Index

Spirit of the Season has been published for 5 years. In that much useful material has been produced that continues to be of use to people. To assist finding past material there is a complete Index of contents.

Spirit of the Season Guides

Drawing together useful material from previous issues of Spirit of the Season. The first guide is taken from a series in 2005-6. Guides are also produced to focus on a particular issue.






Thanks to contributors over the years: Mary Crowley, Chris Malone, Julie McCann, Sheila MacNamara, Frances Novillo, Jane Porter, Moira Siara, Peter Siney, Paul Varey, Chris Walsh, Anne White